Old Tech blog:
Get PageSpeed 100 by using W3 Total Cache and Autoptimize, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5.
Java notes:
- Step by step Java Native Interface (JNI) guide and tutorial
- Java incorrect time zone bug on Windows
- Time zone design in Java
Eclipse Web (http) servers: Debugging and publishing http files in Eclipse
Daylight Savings Time in Israel: politics, reasons, interests
In Russian
Thoughts about parshiot Matot-Mas'ei-Pinchas, and other subjects:
- О смертной казни убийцам
- Пинхас и Элиагу
- Статус женщин
- Кашрут инжира
- О восстановлении жертвоприношений на Храмовой Горе в Иерусалиме
- Матот: Обеты и ранние браки
- Евреи в поисках смысла: политическая борьба в Израиле как борьба разных направлений трансформации Национальной Идеи I: Современная политика и II: Исторический контекст
- О социальной справедливости
- Почему так трудно построить многонациональное государство в Израиле
- Статус женщин в иудаизме и ультра-радикальный феминизм
- Почему был разрушен Первый Храм: теория познания Иеремии
Jeremiah's epistemology: an exposition of Chapter 6 of Yoram Hazony's book The Philosophy of Hebrew Scripture, followed by an application of his ideas to two modern life issues, the contradiction between following the tradition and searching for truth, and postmodernism. At this point this paper is available in Russian only.
Status of women in Judaism and ultra-radical feminism: We reconcile the two different attitudes towards women, misogynistic and women-loving, that Rabbi Eliezer Berkovits has found in the Jewish tradition. On the other hand, we find two contradictory trends in modern feminism. At this point this paper is available in Russian only.
Can bridging gaps between rich and poor be based on Jewish charity: at this point this paper is available in Russian only.
Jews' search for meaning: political struggle in Israel as the struggle between different directions of transforming Jewish national idea: at this point this paper is available in Russian, Part I and Part II, and in Hebrew, Part I and Part II.
Concerning resumption of sacrifices on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem: at this point this paper is available in Russian and most important parts of it in Hebrew.
My paper entitled Belief-Based Jewish Leadership: Religious and Secular (English, Hebrew, Russian) was published on the site of Manhigut Yehudit - The Jewish Leadership movement in December 2004. In fact, the original published versions did not survive on the Jewish Leadership sites, and the above links are my copies. While I would not write this paper now, I still think that its ideas on interaction between religious and secular public in Israel are still valid.